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Student Life and Expectations

The following contains a list of study and coursework expectations that students are responsible for maintaining. Any deviation from these expectations may result in incomplete work or progress. This may hinder a student's ability to finish an online course and potentially resulting in dismissal from the program.


Student commitment is the completion of each online class. For full-time enrollment, the commitment to the program is described in the student’s 4-Year Education Plan and meets individual student needs as determined by ARISE staff and the student’s family.

  1. Within the first 14 days of the course, if student is not making adequate progress, the Local Mentor/Teacher, in cooperation with parents or personal/family coach, may the student. A failing grade will be placed on the student’s transcript for any dropped class beyond the 14 days.
  2. Students may be terminated for not keeping pace with assignments. Attendance for School District of Janesville, ARISE Virtual Academy students are measured by keeping a log of their work, submission of assignments and activities, communication with the teacher, discussion threads and any other teacher directed activities and interaction with online lessons.
  3. If a student fails to be actively involved in a course for 7 consecutive days without cause and prior teacher communication, the student may be terminated as indicated in the policies and procedures.
  4. If the child leaves ARISE to enter traditional school, alternative-learning activities may be provided. These activities may include online courses, enrichment, or remedial activities as determined by the Local Mentor/Teacher.


Students must take the responsibility to contact the teacher when something is not understood and communicate with teachers/mentors in the following ways:

  1. E-mailing (including electronic submission of assignments)
  2. Phone/texting
  3. Person (if applicable)

Course Work

  1. Schedule time each day to work on the course. Make sure you log in so we know you are actively involved in the course.
  2. Log on to the course daily.
  3. Complete the required assignments by the day they are due.
  4. Complete assignments in the order they are given.
  5. Respond to emails sent by the teacher or principal. Communicate with the teacher on a weekly basis via e-mail or by phone. Students who are unable to work on any given day, should notify the teacher and Local Mentor/Teacher. 
  6. Read the Welcome Letter for each course (teachers provide valuable student information in the welcome letter).
  7. Read all course information. Directions for completing assignments are written into the course.