Student Life and Expectations
The following contains a list of study and coursework expectations that students are responsible for maintaining. Any deviation from these expectations may result in incomplete work or progress. This may hinder a student's ability to finish an online course and potentially resulting in dismissal from the program.
Student commitment is the completion of each online class. For full-time enrollment, the commitment to the program is described in the student’s 4-Year Education Plan and meets individual student needs as determined by ARISE staff and the student’s family.
- Within the first 14 days of the course, if student is not making adequate progress, the Local Mentor/Teacher, in cooperation with parents or personal/family coach, may the student. A failing grade will be placed on the student’s transcript for any dropped class beyond the 14 days.
- Students may be terminated for not keeping pace with assignments. Attendance for School District of Janesville, ARISE Virtual Academy students are measured by keeping a log of their work, submission of assignments and activities, communication with the teacher, discussion threads and any other teacher directed activities and interaction with online lessons.
- If a student fails to be actively involved in a course for 7 consecutive days without cause and prior teacher communication, the student may be terminated as indicated in the policies and procedures.
- If the child leaves ARISE to enter traditional school, alternative-learning activities may be provided. These activities may include online courses, enrichment, or remedial activities as determined by the Local Mentor/Teacher.
Students must take the responsibility to contact the teacher when something is not understood and communicate with teachers/mentors in the following ways:
- E-mailing (including electronic submission of assignments)
- Phone/texting
- Person (if applicable)
Course Work
- Schedule time each day to work on the course. Make sure you log in so we know you are actively involved in the course.
- Log on to the course daily.
- Complete the required assignments by the day they are due.
- Complete assignments in the order they are given.
- Respond to emails sent by the teacher or principal. Communicate with the teacher on a weekly basis via e-mail or by phone. Students who are unable to work on any given day, should notify the teacher and Local Mentor/Teacher.
- Read the Welcome Letter for each course (teachers provide valuable student information in the welcome letter).
- Read all course information. Directions for completing assignments are written into the course.